One of the first steps the NGO took was to provide Aarav with essential medical support. This included: Diagnosis and Treatment: The NGO arranged for Aarav to be seen by specialists who could provide a comprehensive diagnosis of his condition. They also facilitated regular medical check-ups and treatments to manage his cerebral palsy effectively. Physiotherapy: Regular physiotherapy sessions were organized to improve Aarav's mobility and strength. These sessions were crucial in helping him gain some degree of independence in his movements.One of the first steps the NGO took was to provide Aarav with essential medical support. This included: Diagnosis and Treatment: The NGO arranged for Aarav to be seen by specialists who could provide a comprehensive diagnosis of his condition. They also facilitated regular medical check-ups and treatments to manage his cerebral palsy effectively. Physiotherapy: Regular physiotherapy sessions were organized to improve Aarav's mobility and strength. These sessions were crucial in helping him gain some degree of independence in his movements.