About Us

About Ability India

AbilityIndiaCharitableTrust,short-name“AbilityIndia”a cross disability& development organization, aiming at creating an empowered community, through comprehensivehealthcare,wellness,education,livelihood andinclusivedevelopmentprogrammes.Theorganization isregisteredunderTrustact1882. Ability India believes that convergent approach of the state, the civil society, individuals and corporates can bring some tangible changes in the life of people with disabilities. We believe in learning through sharing of experiences and best practices by our partner organizations, who are equally concerned to bring transformationinthelivesofthepeoplewithdisabilities. At present we are working in Boudh& Jharsuguda districts of Odisha, which are very backward districts, dominated with scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population. Our Asha centre in Boudh is taking care of education of more than 50 poor& under privileged children since COVID pandemic period. Our disability programme is tied up with tele-rehabilitation project “Sambhav”.Identificationofchildrenwithdisabilitiesand their rehabilitation with community based approach is goingonundertheguidanceofTele-rehabilitationproject “Sambhav”ofJanVikasSamiti,Varanasi.Our“AbilityRehab Care”centre in Jharsuguda is a model rehabilitation centre for children.

Aim: Ouraimistoempowerindividualswithdisabilitiestolive independentlyandparticipatefullyinsociety,whilealsopromoting self-employmentopportunitiesforeconomicempowerment.We strivetoenhancethequalityoflifeforseniorcitizensbyproviding supportservicesandfosteringsocialconnections.Additionally,we arecommittedtoensuringaccesstoqualityeducationforchildren, regardlessofsocio-economicstatusorbackground.


Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals to reach their full potential and live with dignity and independence. Inclusion: Wevaluediversityandstrivetocreateinclusiveenvironmentsthat embracetheuniqueabilitiesandcontributionsofeveryindividual. Compassion: We approach our work with empathy, understanding, and respect fortheinherentdignityandworthofeveryperson. Collaboration: Webelieveinthepowerofcollaborationandpartnershipsto achieve greater impact and positive change in our communities. Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, andethicalconductinallourinteractionsandendeavors. Excellence: We are committed to excellence in the delivery of our programs and services, continuously seeking to improve and innovate to better serve our community.

Objectives :

DisabilityRehabilitationServicesandPhysiotherapy: ● Provideaccessibleandhigh-qualityphysiotherapyservices tailoredtotheuniqueneedsofindividualswithdisabilities.
● Offercomprehensivesupportservices,includingassistive devices,mobilityaids,andrehabilitationprogramstopromote independenceandmobility.
Self-EmploymentandEconomicEmpowerment: ● Offertraining,mentorship,andresourcestoindividualswith disabilitiesinterestedinstartingtheirownbusinessesor pursuingself-employmentopportunities.
● Facilitateaccesstomicrofinanceandentrepreneurship developmentprogramstopromoteeconomicempowerment andfinancialinclusion.
WelfareofSeniorCitizens: ● Providesocialsupportservices,recreationalactivities,and wellnessprogramstopromotethephysical,emotional,and socialwell-beingofseniorcitizens.
● Offerhomecareservices,counselling,andtransportation assistancetosupportaginginplaceandmaintain independence.
ChildEducationandDevelopment: ● Ensureaccesstoqualityeducationforchildrenfrom marginalizedcommunitiesthroughscholarships,school supplies,andeducationalprograms.
● Provideextracurricularactivities,tutoring,andmentoring programstosupportacademicsuccessandholistic Collaborations

Our Initiatives

1. Community Based Rehabilitation at Boudh District, Odisha. We are running a Community based rehabilitation (CBR) programme for persons with disabilities in Boudh district of Odisha, which aims at community services with linkages after identifying the community needs. This is a bottom up approach with persons with disabilities, family and community as the center. The children with mild and moderate categories of disability are identified and facilitated to receive rehabilitation services and facilitated to get admitted in the regular classes with the teacher as a resource with adequate orientation. The mission is to render rehabilitation services to all disabilities and all ages, with principles of gender just, informed client, socio – medical model inclusion and convergence and not transaction by transformation. The mission further envisages public private partnership, self – help groups, use of technology, knowledge sharing and capacity building in the community.
2. Institution based Rehabilitation Services at Jharsuguda, Odisha
Ability Rehab Care is a state of the art rehabilitation & research centre in western Odisha with well equipped Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Hearing & Speech Therapy, Special Education services to take care of a range of physical dysfunctions or difficulties such as Low Back pain, Neck & Shoulder Pain, Spondylitis, Sciatica, Joint Pain, Muscular Pain, Post fracture Stiffness, Osteoarthritis of knee, Paralysis, Sports injuries, Tennis Elbow, Ligament sprain, Orthosis & prosthesis support, Developmental Delay, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, ADHD, Speech disorders, Delayed Language, Hearing loss, Stammering, Stuttering, Disarticulation & loss of hearing. Ability Rehab Care facilitates treatment to individuals to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and function in circumstances where movement and function are limited by aging, injury, disease or environmental factors. A team approach to chronic conditions is emphasized to coordinate care of patients.
3. Developing Resources and Capacity Building: Ability India believes that quality improvement is a continuous process. Building capacities and developing resources or up gradation of knowledge & skills are the hallmarks of a standard organization. In order to scale up the processes of service delivery Ability India always strives to adopt all methods and strategies to build capacity of the professionals and identified leaders in the community.

Vision: An inclusive society with equality, equity and full participation for all.
Mission: To create sustainable solutions for the people affected by disability or dysfunction and enhance their abilities through persistent professional endeavor and adoption of technology.

Mission & Vision

Mission: Our mission is to create a supportive and inclusive community where individuals of all ages and abilities can thrive. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive services that address the unique needs of individuals with disabilities, promote the well-being of senior citizens, and ensure access to quality education for children..
vision:Our vision is to build a society where everyone, regardless of age, ability, or background, has equal opportunities to live fulfilling and dignified lives. We envision a community that celebrates diversity, values inclusion, and embraces the inherent worth and potential of every individual.

Networking & Collaborations:

Ability India believes in growing through partnership. It strives to build network with Governments, NGOs, Corporate houses, and other organizations to broaden the scope of its activities, add value to existing programs in terms of resources, time, and delivery of quality services to our beneficiaries-synergizing efforts to the maximum extent.

Partner with Us: :

Ability India believes that convergent approach of the state, the civil society, individuals and corporates can bring some tangible changes in the life of people with disabilities. We are looking for collaborations and partners to scale up our innovations and initiatives, and always committed in satisfying mutual relationship with all our stakeholders. We learn and share our experiences with our collaborators. If you are equally concern to bring change in the lives of the people with disabilities please do communicate to us.


Support us to help realize the dreams and ambitions of people with limited ability and mobility especially those in growing age. We believe that every child and every person is special and lets give wing to their dreams those who aspire for a chance.

Subham Acharya

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Donated $300 for For Childrens

Nishant Jaiswal

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Donated $150 for For Childrens

Sahil Sekhar

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Donated $250 for For Childrens

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