The support of NGOs was instrumental in Aarav's journey towards a better life. By addressing his medical, educational, financial, and social needs, these organizations provided a holistic support system that empowered Aarav to overcome his challenges. His story is a testament to the profound impact that dedicated and compassionate support can have on the lives of disabled individuals, offering them hope, opportunities, and the ability to dream of a brighter future.The financial burden of raising a child with disabilities can be overwhelming. The NGO helped Aarav's family by: Covering Medical Expenses: The cost of medical treatments, therapies, and equipment was covered by the NGO, alleviating a significant financial strain on Aarav's family. Scholarships: Aarav received scholarships to cover his school fees and other educational expenses, ensuring that financial constraints did not hinder his learning opportunities2. Ensuring Mobility Mobility was a significant challenge for Aarav. The NGO addressed this by: Providing a Wheelchair: Aarav was given a wheelchair that was specifically designed for his needs. This allowed him to move around more freely and participate in daily activities with greater ease. Accessibility Improvements: The NGO worked with local authorities and communities to improve accessibility in public spaces, including schools and parks, ensuring that Aarav and other disabled children could navigate their environments more comfortably