Arnav's best friemnd was not handicap The challenges were manifold. In a country where disability often comes with social stigma, Aarav faced not only physical limitations but also societal prejudices. Schools were reluctant to accept him, fearing he would require special attention that they were neither equipped nor willing to provide. Public infrastructure was largely inaccessible, making daily activities a constant struggle.Aarav's life took a significant turn when his story caught the attention of a local NGO dedicated to supporting children with disabilities. The organization provided Aarav with a wheelchair, access to physiotherapy, and enrolled him in a special education program. This was the beginning of Aarav's transformation.Today, Aarav is a teenager with a passion for computers and technology. He dreams of becoming a software engineer and developing accessible technology for people with disabilities. His journey is far from over, but his achievements so far are a beacon of hope for many children facing similar challenges.